Interactive marketing dashboards: making data make sense
06 Jul 2020 | by Melanie Davis
How to uncover and share valuable customer insights across your organisation.
There’s never been more data available. But connecting it remains an issue for many.
Whether this is due to walls between those who produce and use it, or changes in context as it passes from silo to silo, data is often locked up when it should be unleashed.
But now there’s a way to rise above departmental barriers and unify data into the compelling customer stories it tells – in a way that makes sense to every team: sales, marketing, operations, production, and financial.
Let’s see how Apteco Orbit™ turns data into stories.
Apteco Orbit is not just a smarter way to present data already in your business, but a way to let people explore, filter, and assess it for the reasons that matter to them.
Orbit lets you share and review the stories in your data as a team, even if your team members aren’t users of the Apteco Marketing Suite™. Get our eGuide to discover how it could help your business.