Bringing significant value to healthcare providers

Apteco’s history stems from the commercial sector and has expanded to provide customer data insights and campaign automation solutions to data scientists, marketers and charities all around the world.

We are now extending our experience and expertise to bring significant value health and care providers. Given the changing nature of the healthcare market and the increased importance of intelligence gathering, analytics and communications to healthcare organisations, we believe that Apteco technology can offer tried and tested tools to this vital sector. 

The healthcare sector is facing unprecedented pressure in the prevention and treatment of long-term conditions and management of patients. At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced the need to nudge populations towards better behaviours and lifestyles. Our public health communications and intervention solutions can bring engagement into the core of your population health strategy and enable novel ways to meet these modern challenges.

Apteco healthcare platform bringing significant value

Apteco healthcare platform - let’s make healthcare personal

We harness our foundations in marketing technology to deliver tailored, intelligence-led healthcare communication programmes. We empower people to take control of their health and receive interventions when they need them. The Apteco healthcare platform provides a comprehensive population analytics and communications solution made up of two unique modules, which can be used in conjunction, separately or with existing tools in your informatics estate.

Health analytics
Health analytics

Our unique analytics solution offers powerful data exploration, analysis and visualisation. Apteco software is specifically built for fast ingestion and analysis of big data sets, perfectly suited for application in the healthcare sector for population health analysis, clinical data analysis and behavioral insights.

Healthcare communications
Healthcare communications

Communicate with patients and the wider population using Apteco's multi-channel communications platform. Control and manage all your patient campaigns, ranging from basic scheduled messaging to trigger-based communications and healthcare interventions.

Healthy Steps is a critical program helping to tackle childhood obesity, working together with DCX and the Apteco platform we have delivered an automated eight week comms journey and showing amazing results in the pilot phase.

Orla Hugueniot, Head of Early Years Marketing Programmes, Department of Health and Social Care

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Identify health trends and people to support
Identify health trends and people to support

Rapidly load and analyse large healthcare datasets to identify population health trends and cohorts of people who may benefit from additional support. With the Apteco healthcare platform you can speedily analyse population health patterns, perform clinical data analysis and identify behavioural insights.

Think strategically and get proactive
Think strategically and get proactive

Put public health communications and long-term condition (LTC) management at the centre of your wellness strategy. Using Apteco you can develop and implement proactive approaches to LTC prevention and management at speed. Give patients additional support when a problem is identified.

Redesign pathways and enable patients
Redesign pathways and enable patients

Implement pathways based on nudge-based communications and interventions. With Apteco software you can always put the patient at the centre of the care team and enable patient self-care, with communications that help them make positive lifestyle changes. Empower people to take control of their own health and conditions.

Create capacity in your workforce
Create capacity in your workforce

A central healthcare data platform with Apteco enables communication and collaboration across care teams, helping to reduce unnecessary separate interactions for patients. Inbuilt functionality to automate administrative and clinical tasks saves valuable time, and allows secure data sharing across organisational boundaries.

Apteco software has led to many benefits for HEE. We’ve seen a decrease in turnaround times on complex user journeys, meaning savings to the taxpayer. Possibly the greatest benefit is access to real-time data allowing us to respond to stakeholder data requests immediately and think more strategically about future campaigns.

Darren Aldrich, Head of Communications, NHS Health Careers, Health Education England

A lifestyle nudge with scheduled, targeted, automatic communications

Send people gentle nudges to improve their general health and to support the delay in potential onset conditions. Prediabetic cohorts can be sent details of classes and everyday healthy living ideas. Smokers can be supported with tips for reducing their nicotine intake and individuals with higher BMIs can be invited to community initiatives for leading a healthier lifestyle. 

Example of Fundraising subject lines message variants

Focused patient communications based on external factors 

Automate communications where external triggers can notify people to be aware of conditions that might affect the management of their health. Incoming data concerning weather and air quality could trigger notifications to patients with breathing difficulties, such as COPD, to stay inside or be cautious when venturing out. 

Email delivery image from travel sector

Manage long-term conditions and monitor communications

Control multiple workflows with a command center focused dashboard displaying data on patient’s long-term conditions and the communications sent to them. Data can be shared with teams throughout organisations, filtered and drilled into as appropriate. Regular adhoc and automated communications ensure people are supported through each health goal, automating intervention for conditions such as mental health and obesity.

Visually select and drill down into data

Supercharge your email marketing

Secure and reliable email delivery

Design, automate and send responsive highly personalised emails directly from Apteco's marketing insights platform.

Related products

Apteco software tools to help you gain new insights and deliver successful campaigns within the healthcare sector.

Apteco FastStats®

Apteco FastStats®

Transform all your offline and digital data sources into easy-to-understand visuals that give you a total customer view. Analyse even the largest data sets to gain insight and improve campaign effectiveness.

Apteco Orbit™

Apteco Orbit™

Apteco's end-to-end actionable marketing insights platform, connecting you with your data. Connect people and channels, analyse data, target your audience, and manage campaigns – all on one intuitive platform.

Apteco PeopleStage™

Apteco PeopleStage™

Turn insights into action with the tools to create, manage, and deliver automated, personalised marketing campaigns across your channels.

We play nicely with others

Apteco software can send targeted communications to patients via many digital communication methods including social, email and postal fulfilment channels.

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Experience the power of Apteco software first-hand with a personal demo